2018 in review

2018 was full of ups and downs as with any other year. You get 365 days. You can plan it out and then life happens. How you respond to life is what matters.

It started off great with a job offer….yeah no way was I gonna spend another year in Kuwait especially not at the school I was at.

Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed my time in Kuwait but it was time to move on.

Then my mama’s health took a turn for the worse and I found myself home and one week later she was gone.

My whole world changed and I was not ready.

Summer had me face to face with Elise’s dad for the first time in almost 10 years. Elise meet him for the first time in her life. (He has since fallen back into his hole)

I would add the picture but I don’t want to. Look I am still a work in progress 🙂

Went on our first ever Disney Cruise. Would love to do it again but good grief I need Disney to go down on those prices. Granted it’s all inclusive expect for the alcoholic drinks and the excursions. You are paying for the Disney brand and the Disney service. 

August had me in China.

Dating has come to complete halt. I need this time to work on me and besides dating in China….well that’s nonexistent as an African American woman. I accepted that before I came over.


Survived, barely, my first Thanksgiving without my mom. I cried real tears when I couldn’t remember the yams recipe and when I realized I don’t know how to make sweet potato pie and I couldn’t call her to get the recipe. I bought whipping cream and cried again because I didnt have her biscuit recipe.

CoCo Jean was added to the family. There are moments I think I have lost my mind. How are going to travel with a dog? I live in an apartment. Granted there is space outside for her run around and whatnot but come on man, now I gotta get up in the freezing cold and blazing heat to walk her…UGH. Oh well for now we have a dog. 


Elise’s first ever holiday performance

The first snow of the season

Yep chopped my hair off. It was a combination of I’m stressed, depressed and pretty much over doing my hair. Either way I’m getting used to it again.

Traveled to Shanghai Disney…I need a Disney break. Once you have been to Disney, you have been to Disney. 3 down 3 more to go. 

Ready for 2019, I think. But I will have a positive outlook for 2019

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